To support, encourage, and generally assist athletic, music, speech, drama, debate, student congress and at the discretion of the Board other programs and events at Sheyenne High School.
Mustang Booster Club
Our Mission
The Booster board is made up of volunteers who share the same vision of helping the students of SHS be successful in academics, fine arts and athletics. Our membership and events help raise money to fill the gap when funds are low or not available, and allow us to offer scholarships and assistance throughout the year. We’re a fun group and looking for a few more people to join the fun!
- NOT A HUGE TIME COMMITMENT. We meet the first Monday of each month 6-7:30pm.
- NOT ALONE. We work together as a team to plan various events like socials, annual Round Up fundraiser, school events, etc.
- NOT AN EXPERT. We have various committees you can serve on, so there is something for everyone.
- Communication: social media/emails
- Concessions: manage the concessions stands
- Financial: manage the budget and expenses
- Membership: help increase Booster membership
- Spirit: provide cheer/spirit items for our events and for students/parents to show their mustang pride
If you are interested in joining the board or curious what its all about, please reach out to We’d love to chat with you! #rollstangs